Confession of Faith
WE BELIEVE in the one eternal God, who has revealed himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Hebrews 1:1-5; John 10:30; Matthew 28:19.
WE BELIEVE in Jesus Christ as both divine and human, who in humility came in human form and flesh to live among us and to be our Redeemer, and who was exalted by the Father as Lord and Christ. Luke 1:30-33; Matthew 16:16; Acts 2:36.
WE BELIEVE that Salvation is a gift of God’s grace. A Christian trusts wholly in Jesus Christ as his/her personal Savior, who died on the cross for our sins, and to whom as risen Lord he/she commits the full and complete control of his/her life. Ephesians 2:1-22; Galatians 2:20.
WE BELIEVE in the Holy Spirit as God present with us, revealing His truth, working to reprove the world and to encourage and guide the believer. John 16:7-11.
WE BELIEVE the Christian Church to be the Body of Christ, consisting of those whom Christ has made His own, and who have consciously chosen to belong to Him. Members to this fellowship, of which Christ is the Head, know the reality of sins forgiven and the enabling power of living the victorious Christian life. They perceive the great commission of their Lord, and in obedience endeavour to be the community of faith and love, of witness and service. Ephesians 5:21-32; Romans 8; Philippians 1:27-30; Galatians 5:6; John 13:35; Matthew 5:44.
WE ACCEPT the Holy Scriptures as the Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit as the final authority in matters of faith and practice. 2.Peter 1:20,21; John 14:26: 2.Timothy 3:16,17.
WE ACCEPT AND PRACTICE the following ordinances: Baptism on confession of faith. Matthew 28:19,20; Acts 2:38; Galatians 3:27. The Lord’s Supper as an act of worship, as a memorial of Christ’s atoning sacrifice, and as spiritual renewal through communion with Jesus Christ, who is the sustainer of our spiritual life. Matthew 26:26-29; John 6:35.
Inclusivity Statement
As a community of followers of Jesus and desiring to be a part of God’s healing and reconciling work in our world, North Kildonan Mennonite Church welcomes all who wish to join us on our journey. With openness, we affirm that persons of any race, ethnicity, ability, socioeconomic status, gender identity, and sexual orientation are welcomed into full participation in the practices of the church including baptism, membership, communion, marriage, and leadership.
Our History
Mennonites first settled in North Kildonan in 1928, in part to fulfil immigration requirements to be farmers and yet be close to city employment opportunities. These families initially worshipped together even though they came from distinctly different backgrounds. In 1935 the families which affiliated with the Schönwieser Gemeinde, organized their own group and built a meeting house on Devon Avenue. In 1938 this building was expanded. In the same year Anna Vogt also began the first German Kindergarten. Further expansion of this building happened in 1943. Due to immigration after the WWII, a new meeting house basement was completed on Roch Street in 1951 with the upper building completed in 1956. In 1964 the Education Wing was added to the existing church building. The meetinghouse was again expanded in the late 1980s. The congregation became independent of the Schoenwieser Gemeinde (by then known as First Mennonite Church (Winnipeg) in 1957. The membership in 1957 was 335, 415 in 1970, 431 in 2000 and 401 in 2010. Membership as of January 1, 2023 is 270.
Congregational Leaders through the years: Daniel Loewen (1934-’35, 1942-’51), Johann Enns was the Schönwieser Ältester, Victor Schröder (1941-’64, Ältester 1964-’69), Heinrich Janzen (1936-’38), Peter H. Dirks (1939-’41), Isaak P. Klassen (1940-’56), Jacob A. Friesen (1950-’65), Jakob Wiebe (1957-’95), Peter Sawatzky (1957-’64), Abe Rempel (1967-’78), David Epp (1971-’91), Henry Harder (1979-’81), Edward Enns (1985-’90), Albert Durksen (1990-2011), Harold Peters-Fransen (2011-2013 interim), Gary Martens (2013-2016), Franz Wiebe (Short Term Pastor June 2016-Sept. 2017), Marvin Thiessen (Oct. 2017 – July 2024 ), Ken Warkentin (Sept. 2024- ).